Thursday, July 23, 2009

End of Berry Season

I have been picking berries for the past month and now my 9 cubic foot freezer is almost completely filled with nothing but berries. We're about half way done with our winter stocking. I still need to go pepper picking, get peaches to can and freeze, and buy a bushel of basil. I'm really worried though because it's been raining every day and has been cool this whole month and that's not good for most fruit, especially my tomatoes! Most of mine are late season crop plants so I might not get many at all. We'll have to see!

What we do with our berries. We get about a pint every day from our own bushes.

REAL strawberries from the pick-you-own farm. These are delicious and organic too!

I think we bought about 30 lbs total.

This gives you an idea of how big our white raspberries are. They fit on my thumb and my thumb aint small, people.

A mixture of berries. They black are from the farm and the white and red are mine.


Sarah said...

Where do you find basil by the bushel? I would love to get that much to freeze but don't know where to look...

Señora H-B said...

So yummy!

Stephanie said...

Dang you are good, I'm trying to get to that point! Next year I will do better with growing more of my own food, this year has been all about home schooling. I finally feel like I am getting that down so I can conquer the food next!