Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Brussels Sprouts ARE so delicious...no matter what you think

Justin had Brussels Sprouts(don't forget the s) for the first time on one of our first dates and he had, as many of you do, misconceptions about their deliciousness. I, however, have always loved them and decided to grow some in my garden this year. All members of the cabbage family are pretty hearty and can be harvested well into the winter. I still have two gigantic stalks out there to be enjoyed soon. This cold week is starting to make them wilt so we'll have to harvest the rest soon. Henry also loves eating them and usually eats more than half of whatever I cook. The ones I grew didn't get enough sun and were attacked by caterpillars three times so they are all very small, but that doesn't affect the taste. They are yummy! Oh, and the stalks are so tough to cut through! You wouldn't believe that they are hard as wood! Justin had to get out the hacksaw to cut the thing down! haha.


Thayer said...

I love these too - any special reccipes you'd care to share?

Amelia Hohl said...

I don't have any special recipes, but I either steam them or saute them. Next time we harvest a stalk I'm going to spice it up with some NM roasted green chile and red chile flakes. We'll see how that tastes. I don't think you can go wrong with green chiles.

sbt said...

I am so jealous! I had brussels sprouts growing in my garden this winter before our big snowstorm at Christmas. My plants all totally died. very sad.
LOVE the pictures of Henry with the plant!

Sarah said...

That is the wackiest looking plant... funny pic of Henry with no pants on. :)

Amelia Hohl said...

Henry more frequently has no pants than pants because he hates to let me change his diaper and by the time he's walking funny because he's left the mess in his diaper so long that it's chaffing his legs and other unmentionables, it has gotten all over his pajama bottoms or whatever he's wearing. I thought that he would let me change him or learn to use the toilet after he had horrible rashes on his bottom, but this strategy did not work. Any suggestions anyone?